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Faculty Publications


  • Sullivan, LaShandra. 2023. Unsettling Agribusiness: Indigenous Protests and Land Conflict in Brazil.
    Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Link to University of Nebraska Press page.
  • Waxenbaum, E.B., Goliath JR, Borgelt, TS. Vulnerabilities for Marginalized Groups in the United States Forensic Anthropology Education System: Paths to Engagement and Belonging. Humans 2023, 3(2), 126-136;



  • Johnson, Matthew. (2021) Chaucer, Dallingridge and Bodiam Castle: Some Intersections. Medieval Archaeology 64:2, 302-329.
  • Waxenbaum, E.B., Feiler M.E. (2021) Influence of Climatic Stress on Nonmetric Sexually Dimorphic Features of the Skull and Pelvis. American Journal of Human Biology 2021; e23559.
  • Launay, Robert. (2021) Savagery in 18th-Century Scotland: An Intellectual Portrait of Adam Ferguson. BEROSE International Encyclopedia of the Histories of Anthropology.
  • Launay, Robert. (2021) Conclusion – Tomorrow is another everyday: Religion and the shifting terrain of quotidian experience In Roman Loimeier, ed. Negotiating the Religion in Everyday Life in the “Islamic World.” Göttingen University Press. Pp. 251-255.
  • Amato, K.R., E.K. Mallott, P.D. Maia, M.L. Savo Sardaro. (2021). Pre-digestion as an evolutionary impetus for human fermented food use. Current Anthropology. 62(S24): S2017-S219.
  • Mallot, E.K. and K.R. Amato. (2021). Host specificity of the gut microbiome. Nature Reviews Microbiology.
  • Amato, K.R., M.C. Arrieta, M. B. Azad, M.T. Bailey, J.L. Broussard, C.E. Bruggeling, E.C. Claud, E.K. Costello, E.R. Davenport, B.E. Dutilh, H.A. Swain Ewald, P. Ewald, E.C. Hanlon, W. Julion, A. Keshavarzian, C.F. Maurice, G.E. Miller, G.A. Preidis, L. Segurel, B. Singer, S. Subramanian, L. Zhao, C.W. Kuzawa. (2021). The human gut microbiome and health inequities. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science. 18(25): e2017947118
  • Amato, K.R., O.M. Chaves, E.K. Mallott, T.M. Eppley, F. Abreu, A.L. Baden, A.A. Barnett, J.C. Bicca-Marques, S.A. Boyle, C.J. Campbell, C.A. Chapman, M.F. De la Fuente, P. Fan, P.J. Fashing, A. Felton, B. Fruth, V.B. Fortes, C.C. Grueter, G. Hohmann, M. Irwin, J.K. Matthews, A. Mekonnen, A.D. Melin, D.B. Morgan, J. Ostner, N. Nguyen, A.K. Piel, B. Pinacho-Guendulain, E.P. Quintino-Arêdes, P.T. Razanaparany, N. Schiel, C.M. Sanz, O. Schülke, S. Shanee, A. Souto, J.P. Souza-Alves, F. Stewart, K.M. Stewart, A. Stone, B. Sun, S. Tecot, K. Valenta. E.R. Vogel, S. Wich, Y. Zeng. (2021). Fermented food consumption in wild nonhuman primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 175(3): 513-530.
  • Winegar, Jessica. (2021) “The Power of Nonsense: Humor in Egypt’s Counter/Revolution.” British Journal of Middle East Studies 48(1):1-15.
  • Rosenbaum S, Kuzawa CW, McDade TW, Avila J, Bechayda SA, Gettler LT. (2021) “Fathers’ care in context: ‘facultative,’ flexible fathers respond to work demands and child age, but not to alloparental help, in Cebu, Philippines”. Evol Hum Behav 42(6)534-546.
  • Rosenbaum S, Echardt W, Stoinski TS, Umuhoza R, Kuzawa CW, Santymire R. (2021) “Group structure, but not dominance rank, predicts fecal androgen metabolite concentrations of wild male mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)”. Amer J Primatol 83(8):e23295.
  • Ryan CP, Kuzawa CW. (2021) “The temporary cost of dominance”. Elife 10:e68790
  • Amato KR, Arrieta M, Azad MB, Bailey MT, Broussard JL5, Bruggeling CE, Claud EC, Costello EK, Davenport ER, Dutilh BE, Swain Ewald HA, Ewald P, Hanlon EC, Julion W, Keshavarzian A, Maurice CF, Miller G, Preidis G, Segurel L, Singer B, Subramanian S, Zhao L, Kuzawa CW. (2021) “The Human Microbiome and Health Inequities” Proc Nat Acad Sciences
  • Yildiz, Emrah. (2021) Of Nuclear Rials and Golden Shoes: Scaling Commodities and Currencies across Sanctions on Iran, International Journal of Middle East Studies 53 (4): 604-619.


  • Johnson, Matthew. (2020) Writing the Past Backwards: the 2019 Childe Memorial Lecture. Archaeology International 23:1, 66-70.
  • Winegar, Jessica and Deeb, Lara. (2020) When They Don’t Like What We Write: Criticism of Anthropology as a Diagnostic of Power.  In The Scholar As Writer: Writing Anthropology, Ethnography, and Beyond. Carole McGranahan, ed. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Kuzawa CW. (2020) “Pregnancy as an intergenerational conduit of adversity: how nutritional and psychosocial stressors reflect different historical timescales of maternal experience” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sci 36: 42-47
  • Kim AW, Adam EK, Bechayda SA, Kuzawa CW. (2020) “Early life stress and HPA axis function independently predict adult depressive symptoms in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines Am J Phys Anthropol 173(3):448-62
  • Yildiz, Emrah. (2020) Nested (In)securities: Commodity and Currency Circuits in an Iran under sanctions, Cultural Anthropology 35 (2): 218-224.


  • Amato, K.R., E.K. Mallott, D. McDonald, N.J. Dominy, T. Goldberg, J.E. Lambert, L. Swedell, J.L. Metcalf, A. Gomez, G.A.O. Britton, R.M. Stumpf, S.R. Leigh, R. Knight. (2019). Convergence of human and Old World monkey gut microbiomes demonstrates the importance of human ecology over phylogeny. Genome Biology. 20(1): 201-213.
  • Amato, K.R., C.F. Maurice, K. Guillemin, T. Giles-Vernick. (2019) Multi-disciplinary in microbiome research: A challenge and opportunity to rethink causation, variability, and scale. BioEssays. 41(10): 1900007.
  • Amato, K.R., J. Sanders, S.J. Song, M. Nute, J. Metcalf, L.R. Thompson, J.T. Morton, A. Amir, V. McKenzie, G. Humphrey, G. Gogul, J. Gaffney, A. Baden, G. Britton, F. Cuozzo, A. Di Fiore, N. Dominy, T. Goldberg, A. Gomez, M.M. Kowalewski, R. Lewis, A. Link, M. Sauther, S. Tecot, B. White, K. Nelson, R. Stumpf, R. Knight, S. Leigh. (2019) Evolutionary trends in host physiology outweigh diet in structuring primate gut microbiomes. ISME Journal. 13(3): 576-587.
  • Amato, K.R., T. Jeyakumar, H. Poinar, P. Gros. (2019) Shifting climates, shifting foods, shifting diseases: Microbial perspectives on human evolution. Bioessays. 41(10): 1900034.
  • Amato, K.R. (2019). Missing links: The role of primates in understanding the human microbiome. mSystems Special Issue on Early Career Scientists. 4: ee00165-19.
  • di Leonardo, Micaela, "Black Radio/Black Resistance: The Life and Times of the Tom Joyner Morning Show". Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Johnson, Matthew, 2019, "1492: A Different Kind of 'Dicovery'." In DeCorse, C. (ed.) Power, Political Economy, and Historic Landscapes of the Early Modern World. Binghamton, SUNY Press, 25-54.
  • Johnson, Matthew, "Archaeological Theory: An Introduction." Third Revised Edition, Oxford, Blackwell. 2019.
  • TW McDade, CW Kuzawa, J Borja, JMG Arevalo, G Miller, SW Cole, 2019, "Profiles of gene expression in maternal blood predict offspring birth weight in normal pregnancy." Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease,  June 17:1-7.
  • TW McDade, CP Ryan, MJ Jones, MK Hoke, J Borja, GE Miller, CW Kuzawa, MS Kobor, 2019, "Genome‐wide analysis of DNA methylation in relation to socioeconomic status during development and early adulthood", American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169 (1), 3-11.
  • Waxenbaum EB, Warren MW, Holliday TW, Byrd JE, Cole TM. 2019. Ecogeographical patterning in fetal limb proportions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169:93-103
  • Young, S.L., Godfred, B.O., Jamaluddine, Z, Miller, J.D., Frongillo, E., Neilands, T., Collins, S.M., Wutich, A., Jepson, W., Stoler, J., & the HWISE Research Coordination Network. (2019). The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: development and validation of a household water insecurity measure for low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001750
  • Young, S.L. & Miller, J.D. (2019). Medicine Beneath Your Feet: A Biocultural Examination of the Risks and Benefits of Geophagy. Clay and Clay Minerals. doi: 10.1007/s42860-018-0004-6
  • Launay, Robert. (2019) Views from Afar: Understanding Medieval Trans-Saharan Trade through Accounts of Arab Geographers. Kathleen Bedford Berzock, ed. Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Africa. Block Museum of Art and Princeton University Press. Pp. 49-61.


  • Hauser, Mark, 2018, “Huge Oceans, Small Comparisons: Danish Forts and their enclaves in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.” In Power, Political Economy, and Historical Landscapes of the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” Binghamton University Press. Edited by C. R. Decorse
  • Hauser, Mark W., W. Battle-Baptiste, K. Ozawa, B. Voss, R. McGuire, R. Bernbeck, S. Pollock, S. Atalay, Uzma Rizvi, C. Hernandez 2018, “Vital Topics Forum, Archaeology As Bearing Witness”. American Anthropologist 120 (3): 535-548.  
  • Johnson, Matthew, 2018, "Geography, political economy and the ‘Personality of Britain’." Post-Medieval Archaeology 52:1, 49-64.
  • Johnson, Matthew, 2018, "Towards a political ecology of the medieval castle." In Milhauser, J. et. al. (eds) Uneven Terrains:  Archaeological Approaches to Political Ecology.  Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 28, 51-67.
  • Oas, Sarah E., and Mark W. Hauser.  2018 "The Political Ecology of Plantations from the Ground Up." Environmental Archaeology 23(1): 4-12.
  • Winegar, Jessica, 2018 “Resonant Bodies: The Performance Art of Adham Hafez.” Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 11:123-140. (Special issue on dissent, arts, and the Arab spring.)
  • Launay, Robert, Savages, Romans, and Despots: Thinking about Others from Montaigne to Herder. The University of Chicago Press. 2018
  • 2018 di Leonardo, Micaela, "#MeToo is nowhere near enough," Hau: Journal of Enthographic Theory 8 (3): 420-425